
W3.CSS Tooltips

W3.CSS Tooltips

Tooltips are used to display additional information when hovering over an element. The w3-tooltip class makes this easy.

Basic Tooltip

<div class="w3-tooltip">
  <span class="w3-text w3-tag w3-light-grey w3-border">Tooltip Text</span>
  <button class="w3-button w3-blue">Hover me</button>

Tooltip with Positioning

Customize the tooltip position with the w3-left, w3-right, or w3-top classes:

<div class="w3-tooltip">
  <span class="w3-text w3-tag w3-border w3-right">Tooltip on the right</span>
  <button class="w3-button w3-teal">Hover me</button>