
CSS Height, Width, and Max-width Properties

CSS Height, Width, and Max-width Properties


The width property sets the horizontal size of an element. It can be specified in pixels, percentages, or other units.

Example of Fixed Width: 200px
Example of Percentage Width: 50% of parent container


The height property sets the vertical size of an element. Like width, it can be specified in pixels, percentages, or other units.

Example of Fixed Height: 100px
Example of Percentage Height: 50% of parent container


The max-width property defines the maximum width an element can take. This is especially useful for responsive designs, as it prevents elements from getting too wide on large screens while still allowing them to be flexible.

Example of Max-width: 300px

Responsive Layout

By combining these properties, you can create flexible, responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes. For example, using percentage-based widths with max-width helps elements fit various screen sizes without becoming too large or too small.