
C Bitwise Operators

C Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators are used to perform operations on the binary representation of integers. These operators include AND, OR, XOR, and more.

Common Bitwise Operators



int main() {
    int a = 5, b = 3;
    printf("a & b: %d\n", a & b);  // Bitwise AND
    printf("a | b: %d\n", a | b);  // Bitwise OR
    printf("a ^ b: %d\n", a ^ b);  // Bitwise XOR
    printf("~a: %d\n", ~a);        // Bitwise NOT
    printf("a << 1: %d\n", a << 1); // Left shift
    printf("a >> 1: %d\n", a >> 1); // Right shift
    return 0;

This program demonstrates how bitwise operators work in C.