
Inline Assembly in C

Inline Assembly in C

Inline assembly allows embedding assembly instructions directly within C code, combining the low-level control of assembly with the high-level constructs of C.


Inline assembly is written using the asm or __asm__ keyword in GCC:

asm("assembly code");

Example: Adding Two Numbers

This example demonstrates adding two numbers using inline assembly.


int main() {
    int a = 5, b = 3, result;

    asm("addl %%ebx, %%eax"
        : "=a"(result)  /* Output */
        : "a"(a), "b"(b) /* Inputs */

    printf("Result: %d\n", result);
    return 0;



Clobber tells the compiler which registers or memory the assembly code modifies:

asm("movl $0, %%eax"
    : "%eax" /* Clobber list */

Example: Inline Assembly for System Calls

Inline assembly can invoke system calls directly:


int main() {
    asm("mov $1, %rax\n"   /* System call: write */
        "mov $1, %rdi\n"   /* File descriptor: stdout */
        "mov $msg, %rsi\n" /* Message to print */
        "mov $13, %rdx\n"  /* Length of the message */
    return 0;

char msg[] = "Hello, world!\n";

Key Notes