
Floating Point Arithmetic in Assembly

Floating Point Arithmetic

Floating point operations in assembly are typically performed using the Floating Point Unit (FPU) or SIMD instructions like SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions).

FPU Instructions

Example: Simple Floating Point Calculation

This example demonstrates loading two floating-point values and performing arithmetic operations.

section .data
    num1 dq 5.5         ; First floating-point number
    num2 dq 2.2         ; Second floating-point number
    result dq 0.0       ; To store the result

section .text
    global _start

    fld qword [num1]    ; Load num1 onto the FPU stack
    fadd qword [num2]   ; Add num2 to the value on the FPU stack
    fstp qword [result] ; Store the result and pop the FPU stack

    mov rax, 60         ; System call: exit
    xor rdi, rdi        ; Exit code: 0

Example: Using SIMD for Floating Point Arithmetic

SIMD instructions operate on multiple data points simultaneously.

section .data
    num1 dq 5.5, 6.5    ; Two floating-point numbers
    num2 dq 2.2, 3.2    ; Two more floating-point numbers
    result dq 0.0, 0.0  ; To store results

section .text
    global _start

    movaps xmm0, [num1] ; Load num1 into xmm0
    movaps xmm1, [num2] ; Load num2 into xmm1
    addps xmm0, xmm1    ; Perform parallel addition
    movaps [result], xmm0 ; Store the results

    mov rax, 60         ; System call: exit
    xor rdi, rdi        ; Exit code: 0

Key Notes