Interrupts are a mechanism used to signal the processor to stop its current operations and execute a special routine, known as an interrupt handler.
InstructionThe int
instruction is used to generate a software interrupt. The interrupt vector determines the routine to execute.
section .data char db 'A' ; Character to print section .text global _start _start: mov rax, 0x01 ; System call: write mov rdi, 1 ; File descriptor: stdout mov rsi, char ; Address of the character mov rdx, 1 ; Number of bytes to write syscall ; Trigger the system call mov rax, 60 ; System call: exit xor rdi, rdi ; Exit code: 0 syscall
This example uses a Linux system call to print a character to the screen.
section .text global _start _start: mov ah, 0x09 ; DOS interrupt for printing a string mov dx, msg ; Address of the string int 0x21 ; Call interrupt 21h mov ah, 0x4C ; DOS interrupt for exit int 0x21 ; Exit the program section .data msg db 'Hello, World!$', 0x0
This example demonstrates a DOS interrupt on x86 systems to print a string.