
Loops in Assembly

Loops in Assembly

Loops in assembly can be created using the loop instruction or by combining comparison and jump instructions.

Using the loop Instruction

section .text
    global _start

    mov rcx, 5        ; Set loop counter to 5
    ; Your code here
    dec rcx           ; Decrement counter
    jnz loop_start    ; Jump to loop_start if rcx != 0

The loop instruction automatically decrements the rcx register and jumps if it is not zero.

Example: Adding Numbers in a Loop

section .bss
    sum resb 1         ; Reserve 1 byte for the sum

section .text
    global _start

    mov rcx, 5         ; Loop counter
    mov rax, 0         ; Initialize sum
    add rax, rcx       ; Add counter to sum
    dec rcx            ; Decrement counter
    jnz loop_start     ; Repeat until counter is 0

    mov [sum], rax     ; Store the result in sum

This program calculates the sum of numbers from 1 to 5.